Tambuli is another authentic dish from karnataka.It can be made using palak leaves,ginger,cucumber,Doddapatre leaves etc.The recipe remains the same except for the type of leaves used. Doddapatre leaves in English is Coleus aromaticus and Karpooravalli in Tamil . This plant is called by many names Cuban Oregano/ Spanish Thyme/ Indian Borage etc. Its botanical name is Plectranthus amboinicus . .But this is how they look like! These leaves are very good in treating skin allergies and this is a great home remedy for many ailments ! It has a cooling effect when mixed with yogurt/curd. Hence, this tambuli cools your body. It helps get rid of common cold/phlegm related cough. It works wonders for constipation & acidity. Consume the doddapatre chutney/tambuli three times a day for 2 days & notice the change. For treating acidity, don't add green chilli while preparing the tambuli or chutney. Avoid coconut too....