
Showing posts from October 13, 2013

SABUDANA CAKE (Tapioca /Sago cake)

Festive season and some of my friends were fasting.So tried out this eggless cake with Sabudana for a change for her Birthday.It turned out quite well!!Here goes the recipe:) INGREDIENTS: 2 cups Sabudana(dry roasted and powdered) ¾ cup sugar ¼ cup  butter 2 ripe bananas 6-8 almonds, chopped Raisins a handful 1 pinch cardamom powder 2 tsp baking powder ¼ cup milk How to make: Dry roast sabudana for about 10 minutes on medium flame. Grind the sabudana into a powder form. Sift the flour,baking powder well in a dry container. Add sugar,butter,bananas and milk in a blender and blend them into a nice puree. Now pour the above puree into the container containing flour. Add a pinch of cardamom powder,raisins and almonds. Mix and beat well to get a pouring consistency.Now the batter is ready. Preheat the oven to 180 deg celcius. Now take a baking container. Grease the container with little butter and dust it with little flour. Pour...