Rava Rotti is a family favorite of ours as its very healthy with absolutely no oil and at the same time the chewy texture is a sure hit with the kids !

  • Chiroti Rava [Fine Semolina]- 250gms
  • Cucumber  2 big or 4-5 zucchini
  • Finely copped onion- 2 big
  • Methi leaves finely chopped- 1 big bunch
  • Curry leaves-2-3 strands
  • Green chillies-5-6  [according to taste]
  • Salt to taste
How to make:

  • Use a hand blender or a mixer to finely chop cucumber/zucchini, onions, methi leaves, curry leaves, chillies. It should be a coarse mixture and not a fine paste.
  • To the above mixture add Semolina & salt and mix well. (NOTE:pls do not add extra water to this dough!)
  • Set aside in a container and rest it for 45mins. You will notice the dough will be stringy and elastic.

  • Take a non-stick pan and spread the dough evenly.
  • Cover it with the lid and let the rotti cook in sim-med flame. Note this roti should not become crisp unlike other rotis. Softer the rotti, tastier it turns out to be.

  • Once the rotti is done on one side for 3-4 mins, flip it and cook it on the otherside for another 2-3 mins.

  • Keep a hot case ready as the rotti needs to go straight into the case.
  • Rotti is ready to serve. Serve hot but soft with your choice of accompaniments. It goes best with a dollop of butter and pickle.
Preparation time: Dough setting time - 45 mins; 
                                      Rotti preparation time - 5-6mins


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